Registration form | Important dates | Payment


The conference fee includes:

  • admission to the conference hall,
  • book of abstracts (only regular and student participants),
  • proceedings (only regular and student participants),
  • lunches and dinners during the conference,
  • drinks and snacks during coffee breaks,
  • social events.

Payment in Euro

The conference fee can be paid in Euro (EUR)

Participant Before 31 May 2017
9 June 2017* (extended)
After 31 May 2017
9 June 2017 (extended)
Accompanying person
500 EUR
350 EUR
300 EUR
550 EUR
400 EUR
300 EUR
*the deadlline does not concern the invited lecturers

to the following account (EUR):

Account number: PL 78 1140 1094 0000 2905 1600 1047
Bank code: 11401094
Account owner: Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Bank: mBank SA O/Lublin, ul. Krakowskie Przedmie¶cie 6, 20-002 Lublin

with a note "PPC12" and the name of the participant.

Payment in Polish Złoty

Alternatively, the conference fee can be paid in Polish Złoty (PLN)

Participant Before 31 May 2017
9 June 2017* (extended)
After 31 May 2017
9 June 2017 (extended)
Accompanying person
2200 PLN
1500 PLN
1300 PLN
2400 PLN
1700 PLN
1300 PLN
*the deadlline does not concern the invited lecturers

to the following account (PLN):

Account number: 30 1140 1094 0000 2905 1600 1135
Account owner: Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Bank: mBank SA O/Lublin, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 6, 20-002 Lublin

with a note "PPC12" and the name of the participant.

Payments must be free of bank charges to the organizers.
Invoices will be given to the participants during the registration (28 August).